
(2022). Langevin algorithms for Markovian Neural Networks and Deep Stochastic control. In International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN23.

PDF Cite IJCNN23 arXiv GitHub Slides Poster

(2022). Langevin algorithms for very deep Neural Networks with applications to image classification. In International Neural Network Society Workshop on Deep Learning Innovations and Applications part of the conference IJCNN23.

PDF Cite Workshop arXiv GitHub Slides Poster

(2021). Total variation distance between two diffusions in small time with unbounded drift: application to the Euler-Maruyama scheme. In Electron. J. Probab. 27, 1-19 (2022).

Cite DOI PDF arXiv Slides

(2021). Convergence of Langevin-Simulated Annealing algorithms with multiplicative noise II: Total Variation. In Monte Carlo Methods and Applications.

PDF Cite DOI arXiv

(2021). Convergence of Langevin-Simulated Annealing algorithms with multiplicative noise . To be published in Mathematics of Computation.

PDF Cite arXiv Slides Jupyter

(2021). Simulation of Reflected Brownian motion on two dimensional wedges. In Stoch. Proc. and App. 156, 349-378 (2023).

Cite DOI arXiv Slides Jupyter Notebook

(2021). Convergence rates of Gibbs measures with degenerate minimum. In Bernoulli 2022, Vol. 28, No. 4, 2431-2458.

Cite DOI arXiv Slides Jupyter Notebook