
PhD in Applied Mathematics, focusing on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, numerical methods for Probability and Statistics and on applications to Finance. I obtained my PhD in 2023 at LPSM Sorbonne Université under the direction of Gilles Pagès.

From April 2024 I will be working at Smart News in the Content Understanding R&D team, focusing on news understanding through artificial intelligence for recommendation.

  • Machine Learning
  • Stochastic Optimization
  • Numerical Probability
  • Monte Carlo methods
  • Mathematical Finance
  • Stochastic control and Reinforcement Learning
  • PhD in Applied Mathematics, 2020-2023

    Sorbonne Université, LPSM

  • Master 2 Probability and Random Models, option Applied Probability, 2019

    Sorbonne Université, LPSM

  • Diploma of Ecole Normale Supérieure in Mathematics and Applications, 2016-2020

    Ecole Normale Supérieure de la rue d'Ulm
